Round the World Pie

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This pie is for globetrotting investors who prioritize geographic diversification. It is the only pie that includes emerging markets like China, India, and Brazil.

•The 'doing less evil stocks' slice gets rid of weapons, tobacco, human rights abusers, and companies in the bottom 20% of their sector based on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) analysis.

•The ‘doing less evil bonds’ slice is a mix of corporate and government bonds that is designed to have a lower carbon footprint, but is not fossil fuel free.

•The 'doing more good' slice focuses on emerging clean-energy technologies like renewable energy, energy efficiency, and electric vehicles.

•The 'impact investment' slice includes green bonds issued by governments and companies around the world who are raising money for green infrastructure projects.

The annual cost of this portfolio is 0.60% and the carbon efficiency is 167.7 tons of CO2 per million dollars in sales.

Asset ClassWeightETF Name and Ticker
Doing Less Evil Stocks45%Desjardins RI Global Multifactor - Fossil Fuel Reserves Free ETF (DRFG)
Doing Less Evil Bonds30%Desjardins RI Active Canadian Bond - Low CO2 ETF (DRCU)
Doing More Good Stocks15%First Trust NASDAQ® Clean Edge® Green Energy ETF (QCLN)
Impact Investment10%Horizons S&P Green Bond Index ETF (HGGB)