Crunchy Granola Pie

Crunchy Granola Pie.jpg

This pie is for investors who look at companies in the other pies and say "that's not good enough".

•The 'doing less evil stocks' slice excludes companies that produce things like fossil fuels, weapons, junk food, and chemicals of concern, while also eliminating companies without a woman on its board of directors. It goes further by eliminating the bottom two-thirds of companies within each sector based on carbon efficiency, giving it a very low carbon footprint.

•The ‘doing less evil bonds’ slice is a diversified mix of government bonds.

•The 'doing more good stocks' slice includes companies that earn more than 40% of their revenues from goods & services aligned with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

•The 'impact investment’ slice supports the growth of sustainable food social enterprises in Ontario.

The annual cost of this portfolio is 0.38% and the carbon efficiency is 25.2 tons of CO2 per million dollars in sales.

Asset ClassWeightETF Name and Ticker
Doing Less Evil Stocks40%Horizons Global Sustainability Leaders ETF (ETHI)
Doing Less Evil Bonds30%BMO Government Bond ETF (ZGB)
Doing More Good Stocks20%CI MSCI World ESG Impact ETF Unhedged (CESG.B)
Impact Investment10%Fair Finance Fund